2003-11-14 22:33:01 UTC
[I'm posting this on Valg's behalf - Sevarecan]
I will forego explaining all of the basics. Suffice to say that Carrion
Fields has all of the things you would expect from a MUD that has prospered
for nine and a half years. Our target audience is composed of mature
players who like a real challenge.
Some highlights that should be important to players thinking about trying
another MUD:
- We're dynamic and hungry. In just the last month or so, we've added five
areas totaling roughly 700 rooms, packed with quests, traps, treasures, and
challenges. They also bring a level of detail that frankly isn't common
elsewhere. And like all of our areas, they were written expressly for us.
No ugly, boring stock here!
In that time frame we've also expanded our In-Character law enforcement, and
added a cluster of new abilities to our Transmuter class, among a host of
other improvements. And when we add a new spell, it's not "Fireball with a
new damage message!". When we say "new", we mean "new".
- We're a roleplaying MUD. The only OOC channel in the game is used for
answering questions for new players at the lowest of levels. After that,
everything is designed to be immersive and In Character- no distracting
chatter about politics or celebrities, and no suffering through "d00dspeek".
We host a full pantheon of detailed religions, a number of cabals (including
one based on building our history and providing events for top-notch
roleplay), and have a varied and unique series of rewards. Our staff of 30+
Immortals maintains the environment and keeps everyone roleplaying with
frequent quests and interactions. And you can make your mark- our in-game
libraries are filled with page after page of player-authored contributions
and historic tributes.
- We're a PK MUD. Not only do we feature a huge array of abilities, but
each class plays in a unique manner. That Maran high-elven sword/dagger
specialist who employs Incarnadine Wave and Flow of Shadows is going to be
so different from that Scion fire giant mace/axe specialist who uses
Crashing of Waves and Trapping Beneath Thunder, that you will probably
forget they are both members of the warrior guild. And yet, we religiously
adjust and re-adjust things so that the game balance stays tightly focused,
and every dog can and does have their day. New players always ask what is
the "best" character to play. Old players know there is no answer.
- We have a veteran playerbase. Being up since 1994 means that many of
those 100+ people you see in the evenings are lightning-quick killers who
can change gears and lecture you on the finer points of the history of law
enforcement in Galadon. Our 24,000+ rooms won't feel so big when you're
trying to hide from them, or when one swoops to your rescue.
- We have an equally veteran staff. Professional treatment. Swift and just
enforcement of our rules. Fast attention to bugs. Constant development.
Top-notch original areas. Piles of easily indexed helpfiles. Detailed,
epic quests rooted deep in our world's history.
- We are 100% free. No 30-day trials. No varying levels of service- we
value every rule-abiding player. No gear for dollars. No hidden fees. We
won't bribe or force you to vote for us on Top Mud Sites. Everyone plays on
a level field- if that guy just beat you down, or got picked to be Captain
of the BattleRagers over you, it's because he's better, and not because he
had an extra $50 to spend or because he's an "Iridium" member.
- We're tough. Not tough as in "It takes 500 hours of mashing the same two
kinds of goblins to build a character who is any good at anything." Tough
as in our areas and rules encourage fierce competition. Many items exist in
finite numbers, and if you want that shiny sword over there, you might just
have to rip it out of another player's cold, dead hands. Tough as in the
mind-hurting twists and puzzles of Kteng's Laboratory or Nyathl Ikalith, the
Silent Tower, some of which have been in for years without any player fully
unlocking the innermost secrets. Tough as in you won't be fighting NPCs who
are just skill-less tackling dummies outside of the first few newbie areas.
Tough as in we show cheaters the door. Tough as in you'll look up from your
screen, realize you've been with us for a year, and still be baffled at all
the facets of the game you haven't experienced or mastered yet. Tough as in
two seconds to think is often one more than you had.
- We welcome new players. We have a specific newbie channel for helping you
learn the ropes, and a custom Academy area with dozens of small quests to
help teach you the game. 1400+ help files and a staff that knows exactly
which one to point you to when you're having trouble. A website with tons
of frequently updated information and a forum specifically for helping new
players get over the initial hurdles. You'll still die a lot (see "We're
tough.", above), and we won't spoon-feed you, but you'll learn a little more
each time until you're the one they're running from. If it was easy, it'd
be boring, you know.
Questions? Check out our website at today. Browse
around, ask a few questions on the New Player forum, or just log in to 9999 and jump in with both feet.
- Valguarnera Trisseptia
Immortal, Carrion Fields
I will forego explaining all of the basics. Suffice to say that Carrion
Fields has all of the things you would expect from a MUD that has prospered
for nine and a half years. Our target audience is composed of mature
players who like a real challenge.
Some highlights that should be important to players thinking about trying
another MUD:
- We're dynamic and hungry. In just the last month or so, we've added five
areas totaling roughly 700 rooms, packed with quests, traps, treasures, and
challenges. They also bring a level of detail that frankly isn't common
elsewhere. And like all of our areas, they were written expressly for us.
No ugly, boring stock here!
In that time frame we've also expanded our In-Character law enforcement, and
added a cluster of new abilities to our Transmuter class, among a host of
other improvements. And when we add a new spell, it's not "Fireball with a
new damage message!". When we say "new", we mean "new".
- We're a roleplaying MUD. The only OOC channel in the game is used for
answering questions for new players at the lowest of levels. After that,
everything is designed to be immersive and In Character- no distracting
chatter about politics or celebrities, and no suffering through "d00dspeek".
We host a full pantheon of detailed religions, a number of cabals (including
one based on building our history and providing events for top-notch
roleplay), and have a varied and unique series of rewards. Our staff of 30+
Immortals maintains the environment and keeps everyone roleplaying with
frequent quests and interactions. And you can make your mark- our in-game
libraries are filled with page after page of player-authored contributions
and historic tributes.
- We're a PK MUD. Not only do we feature a huge array of abilities, but
each class plays in a unique manner. That Maran high-elven sword/dagger
specialist who employs Incarnadine Wave and Flow of Shadows is going to be
so different from that Scion fire giant mace/axe specialist who uses
Crashing of Waves and Trapping Beneath Thunder, that you will probably
forget they are both members of the warrior guild. And yet, we religiously
adjust and re-adjust things so that the game balance stays tightly focused,
and every dog can and does have their day. New players always ask what is
the "best" character to play. Old players know there is no answer.
- We have a veteran playerbase. Being up since 1994 means that many of
those 100+ people you see in the evenings are lightning-quick killers who
can change gears and lecture you on the finer points of the history of law
enforcement in Galadon. Our 24,000+ rooms won't feel so big when you're
trying to hide from them, or when one swoops to your rescue.
- We have an equally veteran staff. Professional treatment. Swift and just
enforcement of our rules. Fast attention to bugs. Constant development.
Top-notch original areas. Piles of easily indexed helpfiles. Detailed,
epic quests rooted deep in our world's history.
- We are 100% free. No 30-day trials. No varying levels of service- we
value every rule-abiding player. No gear for dollars. No hidden fees. We
won't bribe or force you to vote for us on Top Mud Sites. Everyone plays on
a level field- if that guy just beat you down, or got picked to be Captain
of the BattleRagers over you, it's because he's better, and not because he
had an extra $50 to spend or because he's an "Iridium" member.
- We're tough. Not tough as in "It takes 500 hours of mashing the same two
kinds of goblins to build a character who is any good at anything." Tough
as in our areas and rules encourage fierce competition. Many items exist in
finite numbers, and if you want that shiny sword over there, you might just
have to rip it out of another player's cold, dead hands. Tough as in the
mind-hurting twists and puzzles of Kteng's Laboratory or Nyathl Ikalith, the
Silent Tower, some of which have been in for years without any player fully
unlocking the innermost secrets. Tough as in you won't be fighting NPCs who
are just skill-less tackling dummies outside of the first few newbie areas.
Tough as in we show cheaters the door. Tough as in you'll look up from your
screen, realize you've been with us for a year, and still be baffled at all
the facets of the game you haven't experienced or mastered yet. Tough as in
two seconds to think is often one more than you had.
- We welcome new players. We have a specific newbie channel for helping you
learn the ropes, and a custom Academy area with dozens of small quests to
help teach you the game. 1400+ help files and a staff that knows exactly
which one to point you to when you're having trouble. A website with tons
of frequently updated information and a forum specifically for helping new
players get over the initial hurdles. You'll still die a lot (see "We're
tough.", above), and we won't spoon-feed you, but you'll learn a little more
each time until you're the one they're running from. If it was easy, it'd
be boring, you know.
Questions? Check out our website at today. Browse
around, ask a few questions on the New Player forum, or just log in to 9999 and jump in with both feet.
- Valguarnera Trisseptia
Immortal, Carrion Fields