AD: [rom] AnsalonMud: DragonLance at its best!
(too old to reply)
John Patrick
2003-12-16 21:42:35 UTC
Ansalon is a mud that's been around for a long time. It is simply
the oldest DragonLance MUD in existence. It has the good fortune
to be the pet project of some very dedicated folks who simply want
to share their love of DragonLance and roleplay with others. A
professional coder cares for Ansalon (along with one good coder
and one hack with great ideas) which gives it the benefit of
thousands of hours of very fine-tuned code and constant upgrades
according to the wishes of players. There are always immortals
around who are very helpful and open to the constantly changing
wants and needs of players.

We have now added the MONK class! This is a challenging class
with equipment restrictions but fantastic abilities.

Also, characters can now equip their humanoid pets/mercenaries,
and this equipment saves between sessions! This can aid you
in those challenging areas where you need an extra hand, but
all the other players chicken out!

E-mail: ***@ansalonmud.org
"Your DragonLance Saga Awaits!"
Richard Woolcock
2003-12-17 14:21:23 UTC
Post by John Patrick
Ansalon is a mud that's been around for a long time. It is simply
the oldest DragonLance MUD in existence.
Apart from "Age of Legends: Tales of the Lance", "DragonLance MUSH",
"Arctic", "IllusionMUD" and "Might and Magic", you mean?

