This post was originally posted on the Mozart Mud Quest Board by
Vestacha Blaze DC
Thanks to all who participated in the quests for the 4th of July!
Here's the results:
Aldar, Kergin, Banjax, Asiel, and Kitiara were given a chance to show
off their culinary skills to prove who was the best chef! Aldar made a
delicious centipede sammich, and gave us all a good laugh with his
creative cooking style. Banjax made a showy pedipalp fillet, complete
with fireworks, while Kergin chose to attack the sweet tooth with a
delectable fruit salad topped with melted candied sprite wings. Asiel
and Kitiara went all out with a scrumptious sa'basilisk and harpy stew,
grilled side of shadow dragon, and Sebastian crab legs! It was a very
difficult decision to make, but after much deliberation, I finally did.
Congratulations to Aldar for first place, Kitiara and Asiel for second
place, and Kergin in third.
For the second quest, we changed gears. I handed out lists of items
for people to retrieve (heh must be the Border Collie in me.) To aid
in my judging, I awarded points based on how close the item was to what
I had described. Orbus, Aldar, Drury, Worlta, Gwindor, Moondancer, and
Kergin all turned in as many of the 10 items they could find in the
hour and a half I gave them. Aldar was the fastest, getting all items
I requested within the first 45 minutes (and very much to my surprise,
going all out for the bigger head, rather than the little one - sorry
Enkil!) Second place went to Kergin, who got off to a late start,
managed 7 of the 10 items exactly as I had described, and Gwindor got
third place, and also deserves a mention for braving those mud monsters
at level 5, and then having the slice decay before being able to turn
it in! Drury also deserves mention for trying honorably to retrieve
his corpse!
Thanks again to all who participated. Hope you enjoyed it!
Come join us for more fun at Mozart Mud
Flower Power
Post by f***@hotmail.comCome one come all! To the Mozart 4th of July festival, for great fun
and Prizes!
The fun starts at 12PM mudtime, with a lunchtime quest.
At 4:30PM, there will be a treasure hunt.
Please RSVP via Mudmail to Vestacha if you would like to attend!
We Hope to see you there,
Flower Power
Posted on behalf of the friendly immortals of Mozart Mud, Vestacha
Blaze and Mimulus.