Jedimud / starwars mud question
(too old to reply)
Richard Woolcock
2003-07-13 10:44:50 UTC
Hello, all. Here's to hopes that some old-school mudders are still
able to answer this question.
Anyways, I've been playing on and off on jedimud for awhile due to its
status as a classic MUD, and for the slightly amusing option to be a
jedi. Also, the sheer number of players on there. I've been a player
on two muds on which it got to the points where I was the only player
on, soemtimes...disturbing.
Many muds have hardly any players. Some have hundreds online at once.
Right, question for MUDding old-bies out there. After the legendary
Jedimud split, where did the two muds go? I know one passed through
stimpy, and finally to jedimud.com, but what happened to the other
half of the jedimud group?
I used to play the other at marble.bu.edu 4000 until around 1994 or
so. I know it moved to jedi.america.net 4000 for a number of years,
but don't know if it's still around today.

Rob Wynne
2003-07-13 15:05:43 UTC
Hello, all. Here's to hopes that some old-school mudders are still
able to answer this question.
Anyways, I've been playing on and off on jedimud for awhile due to its
status as a classic MUD, and for the slightly amusing option to be a
jedi. Also, the sheer number of players on there. I've been a player
on two muds on which it got to the points where I was the only player
on, soemtimes...disturbing.
Right, question for MUDding old-bies out there. After the legendary
Jedimud split, where did the two muds go? I know one passed through
stimpy, and finally to jedimud.com, but what happened to the other
half of the jedimud group?
Actually, the jedimud.com group *is* the other group. :) jedi-stimpy
continued on for another 6-8 months after the split, and then

JediMUD is currently down as we transition to a new server and get a few
bugs ironed out from that transition. We hope to be back up again

Rob Wynne / The Autographed Cat / ***@america.net
http://www.autographedcat.com/ / http://autographedcat.livejournal.com/
Gafilk 2004: Jan 9-11, 2004, Atlanta, GA -- http://www.gafilk.org/
2003-07-13 22:24:04 UTC
Cool. See, this kinda history no one talks about. There's the split,
one group went to boston, and the other somewhere...or something. It's
like a facet of gaming history that everyone knows about but no one
knows the details off. Spiffy.

Well, here's to looking forward to jedimud coming back up!
Rob Wynne
2003-07-14 03:51:39 UTC
Post by pH+
Cool. See, this kinda history no one talks about. There's the split,
one group went to boston, and the other somewhere...or something. It's
like a facet of gaming history that everyone knows about but no one
knows the details off. Spiffy.
Well, I *do* know the history, having been there through it all. I've
just never written about it extensively. :)
Post by pH+
Well, here's to looking forward to jedimud coming back up!

Rob Wynne / The Autographed Cat / ***@america.net
http://www.autographedcat.com/ / http://autographedcat.livejournal.com/
Gafilk 2004: Jan 9-11, 2004, Atlanta, GA -- http://www.gafilk.org/
Claus Dragon
2003-07-14 09:33:03 UTC
Post by Rob Wynne
Post by pH+
Cool. See, this kinda history no one talks about. There's the split,
one group went to boston, and the other somewhere...or something. It's
like a facet of gaming history that everyone knows about but no one
knows the details off. Spiffy.
Well, I *do* know the history, having been there through it all. I've
just never written about it extensively. :)
do so?

i am very interested in mud politics and how people solve problems, or
what solutions failed to solve a problem...
Claus Dragon <***@mpsahotmail.com>
d++ e++ T--
K1!2!3!456!7!S a24
2003-07-23 13:02:05 UTC
Post by pH+
Cool. See, this kinda history no one talks about. There's the split,
one group went to boston, and the other somewhere...or something. It's
like a facet of gaming history that everyone knows about but no one
knows the details off. Spiffy.
Well, here's to looking forward to jedimud coming back up!
This kinda stuff happens from time to time. Admins with equal
rights/claims to the mud come against irreconcilable differences, and go
their separate ways. I did that with Kallisti a year ago, now running
it at ekdmud.genesismuds.com 4200. It just came down to a difference
in opinion with the other admin; I thought that he was an ignorant twit,
and for some reason, he disagreed.
-AxL, ***@wpcr.plymouth.edu "In Christianity, neither morality nor religion
***@mail.plymouth.edu Come into contact with reality at any point."
http://mindwarp.plymouth.edu/~axl - Nietzsche