Post by Richard OwenI have my Diku based MUD up but i was wondering how i can make it so that
you can edit and build while connected to the game and playing,
Post by Richard Owencan edit rooms as they are in the game, and fiddle with descriptions and
what have you.
Richard, I told you this on the CircleMUD ML and I will tell you the same
thing here. Read the documentation first. I'll even give you more advice,
look through the resource already provided on the CircleMUD FTP site.
Amen. Also, just to give a bit of feedback - though it _does_ seem like
this guys' work:
The thing you're looking for to 'edit and build while connected' is "OLC".
OLC stands for 'On-Line Creation'. It doesn't come standard with circlemud,
but can be downloaded as a patch from the circlemud ftp site.
Here's the catch: You need to know what you're doing (or be able to read
documentation) to get it to work. It more or less boils down to typing
"make clean;patch < patchname;cd ..;./config.status;cd src;make"[1]
and you should be up and running.
Unfortunately, the questions we've seen so far doesn't make me confident
in your skills. Taking a programmers course, reading some websites on
programming and browsing the circlemud resources would definately be
a good start. If you really are serious about this mud (you are, right?),
you should spend some time getting to know the basics of your new hobby.
The Circlemud mailing list also has some very informative archives, btw.
It's not the first time I write this: If you think setting up circlemud,
one of the most user-friendly mud code bases available, is a hard task,
you're going to get a wakeup call one of these days - when you realise
there's more to making a good mud than just being able to type 'make'.
[1] IF the patch is made correctly,
IF it's unpacked to the correct directory and
IF you haven't changed the running code.