Post by David JacksonPost by greyhawkmudUnfortunately, this adress won't work anymore. No-Ip.com was becoming
very bothersome. I'm looking for a replacement dns atm.
What kind of problems were you having with No-ip.com? I have had good
luck with them in the past, but haven't used them in a year or so.
They were emailing me atleast once a month warning me about how my account
is supposedly inactive. The email would say I need to log into their site
so they would know I still actively use them. So I did like the emails said.
I'd check my entries and account, everything looked fine. Then this last
weekend I get a notice of my entries being deleted since they are not in use.
What the Hell? I go to the site and use their online feedback and asked what
was the problem? They said I was warned and I can always add back my entries.
Well that dont answer WHY they were deleted. They deleted once for no good
reason, what would stop them from doing it again & again?
So I gave up on those jokers.
I was with them for years without this bs...
So dont know why they got weird on me.
Post by David JacksonI wish you luck on your MUD.