Post by Naught A. SpuppetAre there any good MUDs left where one can just go on for an hour or so
at a time and kill mobz when one is bored?
There are a ton of MUDs still hanging around, but really the best part
of a MUD is the playerbase and there aren't too many with more than a
few players these days, which is too bad.
If you just want a free game to kill time in and aren't specifically
looking for a MUD for nostalgia or whatever, you might want to check
out Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It was professionally developed as an
expansion pack for Return to Castle Wolfenstein but ended up being
released for free as a stand-alone game. It's a WWII shooter, but
there's experience, skills and rank advancement - and bots on some
servers, which would be sort of the equivalent of mobiles. There are
almost always a lot of players playing at any given time. Maybe it's a
poor recommendation for someone looking for a MUD, but I dunno, for
some reason playing ET reminds me of MUDding. Take or leave it...
If you want a bastard child of Sojourn... Duris > Toril. It's so much
more fun. Or at least that was the case 5 years ago. Damn, I feel old.
Duris was focused on a racewar PK system. I guess that's nothing novel
now that World of Warcraft etc. have similar systems but in its heyday
it was pretty special.
Looks like it's still around:
( 6666)
I just logged on, and there were 36 people on in total, 11 on the good
side. I remember logging on once and there were almost 100 people just
on one side. *weeps*